Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In Perspective: SEIU, EFCA, UE & Blagojevich

Here I am, laying on my couch, but about thirty minutes ago I was watching the local news. I was happy to see that my home team had defeated Austin in a game of b-ball. Then there was the commercial break. Now for some time, CNN has been airing commercials for the business-interests, anti-union 'Americans for Job Security'. However, I was kind of startled to see that an AJS ad was broadcasting on my local news station seeing as my home state is a "right-to-work" state. This particular ad was attacking the the Employee Free Choice Act by association. Because EFCA is sponsored by SEIU, and that funny-named crony Blagojevich supported the SEIU.

Earlier someone pointed out that prosecutors have been developing a case against Blagojevich for some time now. However, the indictment wasn't made public until the day after Blagojevich ordered state agencies to stop doing business with Bank of America in order to push them into extending a line of credit to the striking UE workers at Chicago's Republic Windows and Doors. Some have speculated that a conservative compact in Chicago has prolonged the indictment of Blagojevich in order to advance the conservative cause célèbre, "piercing the heart of organized labor".

For me, such a position has the air of a conspiracy theory. But conservatives are certainly seizing on the idea ex post facto. Blagojevich is new conservative boogey-man to frighten working people into combating their own interests. However, progressive organizers realize that working people are not dumb. Working people are fully capable of exercising their political power to advance their own interests. However, that is contingent upon the organizing capabilities of union activists. Sometimes a 'however' is the most disheartening word an individual can utter.

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